Thoughts, Ideas and Stories

To Do List? Bucket List?

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A friend of mine is turning 50 years old soon and I got to thinking, “When does a To Do List turn into a Bucket List?” I would imagine 50 would be a good enough time as any to re-evaluate the list and move up some of the more important items before it’s, ahem, too late!

So with that in mind, here is my current To Do List (in no particular order):

1 – Visit Death Valley, strip naked and lay in the sand to feel all the heat that Mother Nature can provide.

2 – Write and have published at least two more books and maybe even the next Great American novel.

3 – Visit and sleep in every state in the United States. I’ve got a pretty good jump with Florida through Massachusetts already checked off and also California, Washington and Mississippi.

4 – Travel Route 66 in a rented sports car, preferably a 1960’s-era Mustang or Corvette.

5 – Hike some of the Grand Canyon.

6 – Hike the entire Appalachian Trail.

7 – Break a 7-minute mile (this one will have to be accomplished fairly soon).

8 – Visit Italy, Spain, Ireland and the African Savanna.

That’s a pretty good start to the list and I’m sure more items will be added as I cross off some of these. I’ll be sure to keep you all posted with my progress! Hopefully some of these will be completed before I have to change to the Bucket List.

Written by David A. Ufer

April 2, 2012 at 5:39 pm

Posted in Lists

2 Responses

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  1. as they say on facebook…LIKE

    Terri Carr-Amato

    April 2, 2012 at 9:21 pm

  2. Thanks Terri!


    April 16, 2012 at 3:28 pm

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