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Posts Tagged ‘Politics

The RNC Is Coming! The RNC Is Coming!

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Ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages, I welcome you to the greatest show on Earth! Oops, sorry, my mistake; this isn’t the Ringling Brother’s circus but only the Republican National Convention. I would much rather have the real circus in town.

The chaos, road congestion, road closures and general annoyances brought about by this political circus will be a nightmare. The actual convention won’t begin until next week but the pre-show parties and meet-and-greets start mid-week. Luckily, I live far enough way to avoid most of this mess but I’m sure I’ll be inconvenienced by some of it, somehow, somewhere.

Whether the Democrats or Republicans come to town is irrelevant. What matters is this country has been and still is in a world of hurt. We can blame the past administrations all we want but at some point the current administration needs to be held accountable for continuing and even increasing the mess this country is in.

The upcoming dog and pony show won’t make a bit of difference if there is no clear and decisive plan to fix America.

Written by David A. Ufer

August 20, 2012 at 6:32 am